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Saturday, 15 August 2015

Bushcraft Show Monday 25th

So the Bushcraft Show is over for another year and we were very busy on the first formal Bushcraft Education outing. For those of you who couldn't make it or who we spoke to and would like a reminder of what we are all about;

 Bushcraft Education became a Ltd. Company last week and aims, on a not for profit basis, to teach bushcraft skills as they are applied to real life in the Countryside and to manage, in a sustainable fashion, the parts of the countryside for which we are responsible.

We are not a traditional bushcraft or survival skills company, we don't claim to be trying to teach you to survive any situation or to be able to teach you authentic primitive or prehistoric skills.  What we will do is teach you the skills that are actually used in the countryside; coppicing, green woodwork, trapping, foraging and wild food etc.. 

We are running our first course in October teaching woodland management and places are limited so if you want to be there for our first course sign up now at There will be many more courses running throughout next year but we are currently extremely busy getting the accommodation and acces to our woodland ready for October. These courses will be run as part of our Riddy Wood Project which aims to restore derelict ancient woodland sites and teach environmental education either at those sites or on visits to schools, scout groups, or anywhere really. 

We are currently writing courses for;

Family bushcraft and woodland experiences
Wild Food and foraging
Woodland Management Courses for Bushcrafters and forest school leaders (first course dates 26th-28th October 2015)
Deer and game (tracking, ecology, skinning, processing and EATING)
Corporate team building and training
Adopt a woodland (programme for schools and scout groups)

This is the tip of the ice burg and we would welcome any requests for bespoke courses just contact us at or via Facebook or Twitter. 

As well as telling you all about our new venture at The Riddy Wood Project we also ran informal workshops on deer dentition at the Bushcraft Show this year which proved very popular and I think we surprised some people with just how big Chinese Water Deer tusks are. 

Geoff was also busy delivering Sami bracelet making courses to over 50 people and giving a talk on 'Physical Development Through the Practice of Bushcraft' he will publish excerpts from the talk on the Bushcraft Education Blog shortly.  

We really enjoyed the show and hope you did too, we hope to see you there again next year or perhaps on one of our courses at Riddy Wood in the meantime. 

All the best 

The Bushcraft Education Team

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