From the 17th-18th October the Institute for Outdoor
Learning held it’s bi-annual national conference for outdoor educators and
It took
place this year at the Holywell conference centre in Loughborough. The
conference included key note addresses from Dr John Ashton CBE; Director of the
Faculty of Public Health and from Lofty Wiseman; Author of the SAS Survival
Handbook. It also included workshops and master classes delivered by
experienced outdoor educators and professionals.
I delivered on of these workshops on the topic of: Working with land-based industries to
increase outdoor engagement with nature.
In the workshop the overlap between
the two sectors of outdoor education and land-based studies was discussed and
the fact that students in either subject area seem to cite ‘being outdoors’ as
a key motivation in choosing the topic they study was raised as a potential
area of common ground in what can sometimes be a strained relationship between
two industries which share the same outdoor space.
Delegates who took part in this
workshop produced the above diagram illustrating the areas where the opinions
and motivations of people in the two industries diverge but also where there is
common ground, including highlighting programmes such as the John Muir award
which effectively link the two subject areas.
As part of this workshop I also
shared the results of some research carried out at Reaseheath College to gather
opinions of countryside and game management students compared to the opinions
of adventure sports students on a range of topics related to outdoor
activities. This survey involved students expressing their thoughts and
opinions of a number of different activities which take place out of doors,
ranging from deer stalking, to kayaking and mountain biking. Over 100 responses
were gathered and the following conclusions were drawn;
- Although all students surveyed had an interest in the outdoors the activities they preferred differed vastly (which was to be expected based on their choice of course at the college)
- Some of the opinions expressed were negative towards those activities which were not considered part of ‘their’ industry.
The word cloud above demonstrates the frequency of the words
used by adventure sports students to describe the land-based and outdoor
activities they saw pictures of (for those pictures and to take part in the
survey yourself use the following link;
Likewise this word cloud shows the
frequency of words used by countryside/game management students in describing
the same pictures.
It is clear that the students held
different aspects of the environment they work in as more, or most, important,
with the countryside students focusing on the need to maintain the environment
and a concern over unauthorised access while the adventure sports students were
more concerned about access to areas for recreation, the inconvenience and
disappointment of limited access and some very specific potential environmental
3. Thirdly the percentage of students who were opposed to
the fieldsport elements of outdoor activities (shooting, fishing, deer stalking
etc..) was very small. In fact there was considerable support for these
activities from most people with the caveat that all animals killed in the name
of field sports were then used appropriately (ie; eaten). So this area, which
had the potential to be the biggest conflict between students, was actually not
a major issue, the biggest area of conflict was actually the discussion over
where access was and wasn’t permitted.
The workshop concluded with
delegates sharing how they reconcile and link these two distinct sectors
working in the outdoors.
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