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Friday, 23 January 2015

Belated Happy New Year and a look at what's to come on Bushcraft Education in 2015

First of all a belated Happy New Year to you all and I hope your Christmases and New Years were enjoyable. I haven't posted anything on Bushcraft Education since before Christmas but after an especially busy few weeks I now have time to write again and introduce some new authors who will be contributing to Bushcraft Education this year and the up and coming articles articles we will be working on. 

Since starting Bushcraft Education in 2013 it has become very much a family affair, my children feature regularly in the articles that appear here and watching them learn and enjoy the outdoors has only increased my interest in bushcraft, not only as a fun pastime but as a tool for education. I even recently wrote an article titled 'Bushcraft Babies' for Bushcraft and Survival Magazine all about the benefits of involving young children in Bushcraft.   

My family enjoying s days bushcrafting and a cake fresh out of the fire. 

My son Michael tracking Fallow deer on Cannock Chase 

The new authors I am about to introduce are no exception, who better to contribute to this blog than my Dad who has taught me the vast majority of what I know about the outdoors and my brother who I have shared many adventures with.


Author Biography – Martin Guy 

Martin Guy has been a field sportsman for almost 50 years, that lifelong passion began following his father around their homestead, controlling pest species, predominantly rabbits, squirrels and pigeons and that still occurs today but with his children still accompanying him at every opportunity. 

It won’t be long before he has Grandchildren big enough to follow him too.

Martin’s day time jobs have been in supply chain and logistics for several decades, with a three year spell in the Territorial Army where he shot for his Battalion at Bisley and following an accident which ended his TA service, worked part time as a flying instructor but the one passion and hobby which has remained throughout, is being outdoors. First as an Ornithologist, then as a field sportsman this in recent years has revolved predominantly around deer management and especially the Chinese water deer. As happy with a good photograph as with a ruck sack full of fresh venison, Martin is to be found out of doors at all times, in all weathers and at all times of day, particularly first light, where he is just as likely to be transfixed by the agility of the hunting barn owl as by a deer grazing.
Look out for Martin's first post on deer stalking next Month.

Author Biography - Richard Guy

Richard has been involved in outdoor activities with Geoff since they were children. While Geoff has since focussed more on countryside and game management, Richard has leaned more towards ecology and nature conservation in his studies.

Richard has just completed a Master’s degree in Ecology and Conservation, before which he graduated with 1st Class Honours in a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Conservation. Between academic activities and personal endeavours he has studied a wide range of topics from Butterflies in Spain, to water chemistry in Devon, Fallow Deer in the West Midlands and Carrion Beetles in east coast heathlands. 

He has worked or volunteered with a range of organisations, managing wetlands, woodlands, grassland and surveying birds, mammals, invertebrates and plants. He has also worked for several years now as a Deer Manager and is just embarking on a woodland management project with Geoff in East Anglia. His academic interests include Woodland Management, British Deer, Invasive species management and integrated land management among other things. In his free time he just loves being outdoors, preferably with his wife and young daughter, and always with his binoculars. He also enjoys (but has little time for) wood work (at a very amateur level), using materials sourced from his woodland management activities where ever possible.

A new series on 'applied bushcraft' will be running on Bushcraft Education throughout 2015 and Richard will be kicking this off with a post on tracking next week. This series will aim to highlight how bushcraft is still very much alive and relevant in some industries and careers, how skills have been adapted to the modern day and will also show that bushcraft is much more than recreation.

Also coming up on Bushcraft Education this year will be further updates to the foragers diary, additions to the series I started last year on Bushcraft and the law and much more. 

I hope you enjoy what is coming up on Bushcraft education this year and that you have a great time learning and practising your own skills too. If there is anything in particular you would like to see on the blog this year please let me know in the comments or email;

all the best 


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