Bushcraft skills were once more than recreation; without
knowledge of plants people would have been without food, medicine, and material
for construction. Without a knowledge of ecology people would have gone without
food and clothing (Elpel, 2001) .
For those who want to pursue a career in countryside management or specialist
areas such as game keeping or botany, knowledge, at least of ecology and the ability
to identify plants and animals is essential.
There have been many studies abroad of how best to perpetuate this traditional ecological knowledge and wisdom (TEKW) and the skills of native peoples. In some parts of the world these skills are still very much in everyday use; but with improvements in technology, and therefore less demand on young people to learn traditional skills, the number of people in these areas who have well developed practical ‘bushcraft’ skills is declining. Particularly, according to a study of the Transmission of Environmental Knowledge and Land Skills among Inuit Men in Ulukhakatok, in specialist areas such Polar Bear Hunting(Pearce, et al., 2011) , making skin clothing
(Kritsch & Wright-Frazer, 2002) , Fur preparation,
hunting, fishing and trapping (Ohmagari & Berkes, 1997) . The links between these very specialist skills
and countryside management in the UK may not be obvious but the principle is
the same. Modern technology may have made many hand tools and traditional
skills less efficient than modern methods but by no means have they become
obsolete. For example in many parts of the world subsistence agriculture relies
solely on the traditional knowledge and skills of the farmers (Beckford & Barker, 2007) (Reichel-Dolmatoff, 1990) and researchers
agree that TEKW is valuable and valid even when you consider the availability
of modern farming methods and improved scientific knowledge of agriculture (Agrawal, 1995) (Colorado
& Collins , 1987) (Posey, 1990) (Schultes ,
1988) (Hunn, 1993) .
There have been many studies abroad of how best to perpetuate this traditional ecological knowledge and wisdom (TEKW) and the skills of native peoples. In some parts of the world these skills are still very much in everyday use; but with improvements in technology, and therefore less demand on young people to learn traditional skills, the number of people in these areas who have well developed practical ‘bushcraft’ skills is declining. Particularly, according to a study of the Transmission of Environmental Knowledge and Land Skills among Inuit Men in Ulukhakatok, in specialist areas such Polar Bear Hunting
Today we are far removed from the ancient skills that would
once have been used by native peoples living in the British Isles; the hunter
gatherer societies of the Maesolithic (10,000-5,500 years ago) were the last
people in the British Isles to operate without agriculture and would have used
bushcraft as their means of survival (Darvill, 2010) . In other parts of the world primitive survival
and bushcraft skills have been used by native peoples in living memory and in
some places are still a way of life (Wescott, 2001) . As Pearce et all (2011) ,
Kritsch & Wright-Frazer (2002) and Ohmagari
& Berkes (1997) explain, the successful transmission of these skills
is a vital part of preserving the skills, traditions and way of life of
surviving native peoples. Formal schools have been set up in some parts of the
world to ensure these skills can be taught to younger generations such as the Samernas
Utbildningscentrum (The Sami’s Training Centre) in Jokkmokk, Sweden (Samernas Utbildningcentrum, n.d) , and the TePuia in
Rotoroa, New Zealand (Te Puia , 2010) . These types of skills have already
been lost, or at least only practised by a very small minority, in the UK and
to teach them now is to re-introduce them rather than to preserve them. But they
can be relevant in a range of applications, from developing social skills (Guy, 2012) , to influencing environmental
decision making (Ellis, 2005) and applying to conservation and environmental management (Berkes, et al., 1993) (Richards ,
1997) (Schultes ,
1988) (Ellis, 2005).
- Agrawal, A., 1995. Dismantling the divide between indigenous and scientific knowledge. Development Change , Volume 26, pp. 413-439.
- Beckford, C. & Barker, D., 2007. The role and value of local knowledge in Jamaican agriculture; adaptation and change in small scale farming. The Geographical Journal, 173(2), pp. 118-128.
- Berkes, F., Gadgil, M. & Folke, C., 1993. Indigenous knowledge for biodiversity conservation. Ambio, 22(2-3), pp. 151-156.
- Colorado, P. & Collins , D., 1987. Western scientific colonialism and the re-emergence of native Science.. Practice: Journal of Politics, Economics, Psychology, Sociology and Culture , Volume Winter , pp. 50-65.
- Darvill, T., 2010. Prehistoric Britain. 2nd ed. London: Routledge .
- Ellis, S. C., 2005. Meaning ful Consideration? A review of Traditional Knowledge in Environmental Decision Making. Arctic, 58(1), pp. 66-77.
- Elpel, T. J., 2001. Metaphors for Living; Questing for Insight. In: D. Wescott, ed. Primitive Technology II; Ancestral Skills. Layton, Utah: Gibbs Smith.
- Guy, G., 2012. Forest School Level 3 Practitioners Award Evidence Portfolio; Discussion and Review of Current Forest School Philosophy and Aims in Light of its Recent Historical Development.. s.l.:Unpublished . (available from https://www.academia.edu/4560566/Forest_School_Practitioners_Portfolio)
- Hunn, E. N., 1993. What is traditional ecological knowledge?. In: N. M. Williams & G. Baines , eds. Traditional Ecological Knowledge; wisdom for sustainable development. Canberra: Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Australian National University, pp. 13-15.
- Kritsch, I. & Wright-Frazer, K., 2002. The Gwich'in Traditional Caribou Skin Clothing Project; Repatriating Traditional Knowledge and Skills. Arctic, 55(2), pp. 205-213.
- Ohmagari, K. & Berkes, F., 1997. Transmission of Indigenous Knowledge and Bush Skills among Western James Bay Cree Women of Subarctic Canada. Human Ecology, 25(2), pp. 197-222.
- Pearce, T. et al., 2011. Transmission of Environmental Knowledge and Land Skills among Inuit Men in Ulukhatok, Northwest Territories, Canada. Human Ecology, Volume 39, pp. 271-288.
- Posey, D. A., 1990. The Sience of the Mebengokre. Orion, 9(3), pp. 16-21.
- Reichel-Dolmatoff, G., 1990. The Forest Within; World-view of the Tukano Amazonian Indians. s.l.:Themis publishing.
- Richards , R. T., 1997. What the natives know: wild mushrooms and forest health. Journal of Forestry, Volume September , pp. 5-10.
- Samernas Utbildningcentrum, n.d. Samernas Utbildningscentrum. [Online] Available at: http://www.samernas.se/default.asp?ID=1&menu_item=1[Accessed 16 05 2013].
- Schultes , R. E., 1988. Primitive Plant Lore and Modern Conservation. Orion, 7(3), pp. 8-15.
- Te Puia , 2010. Te Puia New Zealand Maori Arts and Craft Institute. [Online] Available at: http://tepuia.com/index.htm[Accessed 16 05 2013].
- Wescott, D., 2001. Introduction. In: D. Wescott, ed. Primitive Technology II; Ancestral Skills. Salt Lake City: Gibbs Smith.
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